Here’s another breed that I’m not familiar with.
But she looks enough like a leghorn to have me intrigued. I have a number of books on chicken breeds, and the one that’s been helping me the most on the alphabetic journey through chickendom has been Storey's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds. If you’re mulling over which chickens to get for 2015, this is the book to peruse.
The Minorca, like my favorite Leghorn, is a Mediterranean breed, which means it is sleek and fast, early to mature, and a prolific layer. The Minorca isn’t for everyone – that floppy comb is susceptible to frostbite (dry air and good ventilation is the key in cold climates) and she will need plenty of room to roam. But, wouldn’t it be grand to have a flock of white Leghorns and black Minorcas? What a sight that would be!