Candy From Trees

As far as the animals are concerned, there’s more to autumn than simply pretty colors.

foliage tree


Tonka says that at his new home, candy falls from the trees.



He snuffles along, hunting for acorns with as much enthusiasm as a pig searching for truffles.

eating acorns


The goats do not eat acorns. Not yet. The goaties have a sweet tooth; they’ll wait until springtime when the nuts have sprouted and so are less bitter. However, they’re not wanting for delicacies this season. There’s a reason that this tree is dubbed a sugar maple.

sugar maple


Pip and Caper have been spending their days watching the leaves fluttering down and snarfing up the tastiest ones.

goats grazing


However, being lazy boys, given their druthers, they’d prefer to be hand fed.

Caper nose


Not all candy comes in a bag.

Pip eating candy

New Feathers

The hens that began molting a few weeks ago are now showing off their lustrous new plumage. Remember what Pearl looked like at the beginning of September?

Pearl molting


Here she is a month later. Chickens lose their feathers in patches. The back is the first to go bare, and the first to grow back in. But, Pearl is not done yet. Her sides have yet to lose all of the old feathers. The molt takes a couple of months from start to finish.

cochin back


Pearl is a cochin, which means that she has many more soft feathers than other birds. She was bare around her vent for awhile, but is now looking as fluffy as a well-dressed Victorian lady.

cochin rear


Alas, the same cannot be said of Jasper.

Jasper tail


To learn more about feathers, take a look at the CornellLab website. I especially like this graphic (click on the yellow question mark on page 4) of a feather pushing through the skin and unfurling. Amazing!

Tonka’s New Home

Horses are not like chickens. You can’t fit them onto a small piece of land. On the other hand, they are like chickens in that they need to live with at least one other of their kind. Because of this and a multitude of other reasons, I can’t keep a horse in my backyard, which is why ever since bringing Tonka into my life last December, he has lived at a boarding stable. I was lucky to find a tidy and well-run place for my horse just two miles up the road from home. Tonka lived out full-time in a large dirt paddock, with a shed for shelter. For the first few months his pasture buddy was a gelding named Merlin. Then Bianca came and they shared the space. Recently, he’s had three companions during the day, and one at night. Unfortunately, as nice as the people and the farm are, it wasn’t right for Tonka. Horses need to eat all day. Other horses did fine on the two hay feedings a day, but Tonka hurried through his ration, and then had nothing left to nibble on until dinner. Instead of making friends with the other horses, he saw them as competitors for resources. There were scuffles. Last week someone bit him hard on his back. It was time to go.

I began my search for a new stable. There are a few large, professional boarding barns near me, but at each the monthly fee is more than our mortgage. I looked at smaller, less expensive places, but the riding rings were rocky and the fencing rickety. Further north and west were options that suited both of us. I found one a thirty-five minute drive from my house.

The first thing that you see is a chicken coop. I felt right at home. There was one stall available, and after discussion with the barn owners, it was agreed that Tonka would fit in nicely.

SRS coop


Tonka will sleep indoors in a spacious stall.

SRS barn


During the day he has a paddock all to himself.



In the next enclosure over is a lovely grey mare, who has taken quite a shine to Tonka. If Tonka feels likewise, they’ll be put into the same paddock. Horse friendships are wonderful things, filled with play and back scratches. Time will tell if Tonka is interested. For now, though, Tonka doesn’t have to share his hay (fed four times daily) and he is more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him. Right off of the property are miles of trails to explore. On the farm are an indoor and an outdoor ring, both with good footing, which means that I’ll be able to ride all winter, and Tonka will get much-needed exercise, and physical and mental challenges.

Tonka at walk


After years of not having to commute to work, a daily twenty-two mile drive seems very, very long. To make the drive feel shorter (and maybe even educational!) I’ve been downloading podcasts onto my iPhone to listen to as I cruise up route 3. Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me shortens the drive immeasurably. Perhaps I should download TED talks, too. Do you listen to a podcast? Suggestions? It doesn’t have to be about chickens, in fact, I’d prefer to listen to something else. Expand my horizons!

Heart Dog

Scooter is a small dog of unknown parentage. His mom looked to be a corgi mix. His dad? I’m guessing Chihuahua. It doesn’t really matter. He’s a heart dog, which is a term for a once in a blue moon dog that fits into your life perfectly. Not all dogs are heart dogs. Those of us who have had dogs for many years know that we’re graced by one or two heart dogs amongst the many that we have over a long lifetime. In all honesty, though I love him dearly, he is not my heart dog. I’ve had one so far, and that was Nimbus (she was in my life a few years before this blog.) Scooter is a heart dog for my family. My sons dote on him, he makes my husband smile, and he is the ideal companion for Lily.

Scooter is even a heart dog in a tangible way. Look at his Queen Anne legs.



See that heart?

heart dog

Heart dog.


Still Time To Sign Up

I’ve got two workshops coming up on Sunday – a Chicken Keeping Class and an Advanced Chicken Keeping Workshop. Spaces remain in both. Please join us! Not only will I pack a lot of information into each two-hour session, but you’ll also eat homemade cookies,



say hello to the goats,



be asked for butt scratches by Scooter (unless he’s sunbathing),



listen to Lily bark at something (sorry, she’s loud!)



The Beast will swim over to check you out,

the Beast


Phoebe will ignore you,



these flowers will be in bloom,

morning glory


and, of course, you’ll meet the girls.



Sign up here.