I’ve promised and promised, and finally, the redesigned web site is almost here. It seems that with everything that I do, the idea seems simple, but the execution is far more complicated and challenging than I’d imagined. Luckily, I have skilled people around me who know how to take my ideas and turn them into reality.
For example, how hard could it be to take a 17-ton rock that already has a hole through it and turn it into a water feature?
The results are always worth the trouble.
Creating the revised HenCam has been even more challenging than moving that rock. There weren’t any templates that fit what I had in mind. A designer was hired. A technical guy was hired. Steve taught himself how to code web sites. Even with three professionals on the job, it has not been easy.
(I’ve been working, too! I’ve been writing lots of new material.)
We’re at the end of the project. In the next few days we’re moving 6+ years of content onto the new HenCam. During the transition, it would be easier for the team if I stop blogging and responding to your comments, so let’s all take a short break.
Have a great week, and I’ll see you on Monday. With this.