Yesterday was the day. The five pullets that I’d raised and selected to live at the nursing home were ready to go to their life’s work. The Buff Orpington might be the most naturally friendly chicken I’ve ever known.
But, all of the pullets are relaxed with people.
This is the nursing home. It’s sited in the country, and like many such buildings, looks institutional, with grassy landscaping that is tidy but boring.
But, thanks to it’s director, who understands how animals can enrich the lives of the residents, there is now a coop around the corner. The five pullets are on their way to their new home!
I’d already made sure that it was set-up properly, and that the waterer and feeders were filled and the bedding put down. I set each chicken into their new home.
Due to their innate placid temperaments, and also to my handling and care, the chickens calmly entered their new run. I also had the foresight to bring a spaghetti squash. A bit of interesting food settled the flock right down.
I showed the staff how to handle the birds.
We went over daily care routines. They know I’m on call if any questions arise.
The pullets already have names. The residents were asked what their mothers’ names were, so all of the chickens have old-fashioned monikers.
The day was too cool and rainy for the residents to come outside to greet the flock, but they watched from the activity room.
And then I joined them.
This is much, much better than a boring swath of green lawn.
If you like this story, please share (social media buttons are on the bottom of this post.) Maybe another institution will decide to install chickens on their property. Thanks!