The temperature dropped 30 degrees in one day.

But these bitter cold temperatures don’t have me worried about my hens. They don’t need a heat lamp. They don’t need hot meals. They have dry, spacious and draft-free coops, with fresh water and good laying hen pellets. I keep them from getting bored by giving them things like pine branches and cabbages. Their feathers (almost 10,000 on each bird!) keep them plenty warm.
Still, they do burn more calories in the winter, so although I advise not to feed too many empty carbs in the form of scratch grains and breads, when the thermometer gets this low, you can indulge your hens with treats. I happened to have a box of multigrain cheerios languishing in the pantry. None of the humans liked them. This morning the sun didn’t shine, and the ground was hard with ice. It’s the perfect day to treat the hens.

I called the Ladies outside, but someone was blocking the door.

Once Phoebe and Twiggy came out, the others followed.

Everyone ate.

Phoebe loves this weather. Last night, as the cold front blew in with high gusts of wind, she was hopping about the pen, doing leaps of joy.

The Gems got their share of the cereal.

The goats don’t mind the cold at all, and they don’t need the extra calories! But, they got a handful of cheerios, too.

It’s supposed to stay very, very cold all week. I wonder what else is going stale in the pantry?