Friendly Roosters

In the past, before hatcheries sold sexed chicks, everyone had to deal with roosters. Most went into the soup pot, but the nicest, the friendliest, the ones with the larger-than-life personalities, were kept around. I have a collection of vintage photographs of chickens, and have numerous images of people, with huge grins on their faces, holding their favorite roosters.

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A mean rooster was soon gone, but the gentlemen had good lives and entertained the people who cared for them.

Microgreens Salad

Have you eaten out at an expensive restaurant lately? No? Me either. But I have dined at such places. I’ve noticed a trend –perfect petite greens in a tiny mound on the plate. These greens are not a garnish. Despite filling no more than a thimble, they are listed on the menu as part of the entree, often called microgreens salad.

I had some last night. Here is a bowlful, dressed with good olive oil and balsamic vinegar. These greens are a combination of Tuscan kale and fancy lettuces. They were delicious. I had more than a thimbleful. They came from my garden.


I don’t grow microgreens on purpose. What I do grow are beds of kale, chard and mixed lettuces.


All of which need thinning.


It’s tedious work. It seems like it might not be worth the bother to collect those small leaves,


and then wash several times in water and spin dry.

But it is. Last night, after a long day in the garden and cleaning the coop, I didn’t feel much like cooking. We had spaghetti and jarred tomato sauce topped with (very good) grated parmesan cheese. We also had microgreens salad, which made it all seem special.

For dessert we had homemade rhubarb and peach crumble, which took all of five minutes to put together before baking. But, that’s for another post.

Puppy and Rooster

I wonder why these two were posed together. What do you think the story is?

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I do know that under the tutelage of this rooster, that the pup is unlikely to grow up into a chicken chasing dog!

Hope and Love

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The history behind this photograph has been lost, but this evocative image speaks to me of that moment when you hold a new baby and time stops. This young woman likely had a physically hard and tenuous life (look at the freshly tilled fields, the unpainted buildings and the horizon that stretches on into a flat distance) but she is prospering. She has a companion dog (this is her pet, not a working farm dog), the wherewithal to own a beautiful dress, and a healthy child to hold. This photograph captures that moment in motherhood when the present and the future are all wrapped in an intense love of that new person in your arms. There will be time for trials and sadness, joy and change, but for the moment there is only hope and love.

Happy Mother’s Day

This illustration is from a 1953 calendar given out by a feed company. It’s rather charming and ridiculous at the same time. (The mamma hens are yellow like chicks, check out their sturdy shoes, and their combs are decorative bows?!) Somehow I find it quite fitting for a Mother’s Day greeting. (I’m not one for flowery prose and saccharin sentiment.) Whether you are a parent, or caring for peeps in a brooder, this is for you.


Each calendar page has poultry keeping information. May Suggestions For Young Stock is, “Don’t crowd growing chicks.” Good advice!