A Loud Goat

Twelve million people have watched the video “Goats Screaming Like People.”

Caper does NOT know what the fuss is about. First of all, some of those “goats” are sheep. Who wants to watch bleating sheep?

Secondly, those  goats and sheep are on nice dry ground. Some of them even have grass underfoot. Whereas Caper is stuck in his paddock. In New England. Where it snowed AGAIN. The snow is up to his pizzle (that’s a real word for a boy body part. Look it up.)

Caper thinks that twelve million people should listen to his pleas for help. Or at least tell the Goat Maid to give him more hay. Hay would help.

What Goats Do On Snow Days

It’s snowing. Again. The boys know what to do.


A HenCam regular sent me this screen shot of Pip, sleeping standing up, his head resting on his brother’s side.

Pip sleeping


Trust me, there’s some snoring and burping going on, too.

Cochin Bottoms, Cochin Feet

This a rear view of a Cochin.

fluffy bottom

This view is why people like Cochins. Really, that fluffy bottom is irresistible.

The problem is, those feathers go all the way down to their feet.

Cochins are a soft-feathered breed; they lack hard outer feathers which keep other chickens sleek, shiny, and water repellent. However, a Cochin has such a thick, loose coat, that she stays quite warm in the winter. That is, if she doesn’t get wet. People who keep Cochins for show keep their stock indoors. I don’t. My Cochin, Pearl, goes right outside with her flock mates. She knows enough not to get soaked in pouring rain (unlike the Polish, but that’s another story.) However, she thinks nothing of walking around in mud.


I can tell when she’s been in the nesting box because the eggs have been brushed with dirt from her feathers.

Pearl doesn’t see what the problem is.

Pearl looking

Cochins are placid, beautiful hens. But, they’re not prolific layers, they are often broody, and they get overheated easily. And, those feathered feet are a mess. But, I do like having one in my flock.


Chicken Coop Dimensions and Design Criteria

If you’re thinking about putting chickens your backyard, there’s a bewildering selection of prefab coops, building plans and advice out there. Unfortunately, many of the coops are poorly designed and are far too small for the number of birds that they advertise that they can house. There’s also been a plethora of “reinvented” coop ideas. I’m all for fun design, but not at the expense of the health of my hens.

Here’s what your laying hens really need:

Interior floor space: A minimum of 4 square feet per chicken of interior floor space. This doesn’t count the nesting boxes (some coops have them on the floor) or the exterior covered run space.

Interior air space: Chickens need to roost at least 30 inches up off of the ground, and have head space to do that comfortably.

Roosts: 6 inches per hen. I prefer rounded roosts. Hens have special ligaments in their legs that lock in place when they sleep. This is how they can sleep without falling off the perch. To do this, they need to be on a round roost. If possible, have roosts at varying heights because that helps with flock dynamics.

Windows: Sunlight is essential in a coop. Hens have very poor night vision. Even if it’s daylight outside, if it’s dark in the coop, your chickens won’t get moving, eating, or laying their eggs if they can’t see to hop off of the roost. Also, sunshine is a natural sanitizer. And, the hens appreciate a sunny spot on a damp and cold day to sit in. Finally, windows allow you to look in, and sometimes you need to know what’s going on in the henhouse!

Ventilation: Soffits in the eaves are not enough. A cupola is best, as it very effectively pulls damp air up and out. Vents near the eaves are good, but must be large enough. Windows that open when it is hot are a necessity.

Pop door: This is the small door that the chickens use to go in and out. In cold weather, they can come and go, but the barn will remain cozy.

Nesting boxes: Plan on 2 or 3 for seven or fewer hens. For a large flock have 1 box for every 5 birds. These can be homemade or purchased. I like these mounted about about 6 inches off of the ground.icon

Exterior space: Provide at least 8 square feet per bird for the fenced run.

Flooring: You can have anything from dirt to wood to concrete. If you do have a dirt floor, then make sure that you can protect your hens from digging predators and rats with underground fencing. If you have wood, you can add a sheet of inexpensive vinyl to keep it from absorbing moisture and to ease cleaning. I have concrete floors in my coops, which is an initial expense, but makes for secure and clean housing.

You’ll also need an area for dust bathing, and a sheltered place, whether inside or out, for the food and water dispensers. You’ll need storage for grain, bedding and tools. I prefer coops and runs that I can walk into for ease of cleaning and also so that I can spend time with my chickens. Don’t be swayed by the ads that tout small starter coops. Buying one will be an expensive mistake, as you’ll need replace it later on. Design and build the right housing from the start and you’ll have a healthy, peaceful, productive flock.


6 x 8 foot design from a 1930 catalog

If you’re looking for ideas, I have a Pinterest board with examples of small coop designs.

Watch Me Skype

Tomorrow is World Read Aloud Day. I’m taking part by donating four Skype visits to classrooms from California to Maine. Skyping is a live-streaming video tool. Because Steve has put WiFi in the coops, I’m able to video chat with the kids while surrounded by hens! For WRAD, I’ll be sitting in the Big Barn, and you’ll be able to watch on the BarnCam. I’m going to try and read Tillie Lays an Egg, but chaos might ensue. The hens are fascinated by my iPad, and who knows what Agatha will do! My first visit is set for 11:15 am EST, and the last will be at 2:30. Each visit will be about 20 minutes, so stop by to see what’s going on.

Snow is expected tomorrow, so I might have to step outside and show those southern California children what our weather looks like. The last time that I visited that school, it looked like this:


They’re in for quite a surprise!

If you are interested in booking a Skype visit to your school, check my school visits page. And, speaking of events, I have a number coming up. Check my upcoming events page for a complete listing.