This time of year is when the hens molt. They shed their old feathers and grow new, warm coats for the winter. Some hens lose a few feathers and you can hardly tell that they’re molting. Others seem to lose them all at once.
Lulu is our crazy hen. Whatever she does, she does it with a zany energy. Of course, Lulu’s molt is way more dramatic than the other girls’. First she lost her tail. Here she is going by the name of Lulu Two-Feathers. Doesn’t she look like she has on one of those child’s costume Indian headdresses that you used to find at the five and dime store?
A few days later, she looked like a woebegone stuffed animal. Bare and moth-eaten.
Next, Lulu does her best porcupine imitation.
These pinfeathers will unfurl into beautiful black and white feathers. Most of the other hens are molting, too, but none look like this. I love Lulu dearly, but I’m glad there’s just one of her!