A hundred years before the era of cat videos gone viral on the internet, this is what people shared.
The Vintage Hen
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He must have had a dish of cream at every door!
A dandy, indeed! Thanks for this pic!
And none too pleased about it. Big smile.
I love cats, very much!
I love this. A cat with ‘tude!
Or even: with Hat-itude! (Sorry!) ;-)
He might be a dandy, but I prefer my male cats neutered. Those visited doors would have smelt to high heaven of ammonia.
To think; that hat was not even photoshopped! This cat does not look pleased!
have we lost the temperature? pity if so- I’m in England , and seeing the temperature helps me imagine what it’s like there on your farm.
(very nice cat!)
IT Guy will try to fix it. We rely on a weather station nearby which sometimes has outages.