Goat Vaccines

Dr. Sarah is coming this afternoon to give the Goat Boys their spring shots. Thank goodness for vaccines. They get a yearly rabies shot. Last year a rabid raccoon came up to our back door. We were able to remove it without incident, but the situation could have been disastrous. Knowing that all of our animals were protected alleviated a lot of the worry during that incident.


The Boys also get vaccinated yearly for Clostridium perfringenstype C + D. There are diseases that arrive suddenly and are fatal, this vaccine protects against one of them. We’ll also collect a fecal sample to check for internal parasites. So far we’ve only had a mild infestation once, which was cleared up with ivermectin.



While here, Dr. Sarah will vaccinate the dogs for leptospirosis. My dogs are at risk, as they drink from natural water sources that are frequented by wild animals.


A farm call by a vet is a small price to pay to keep Lily on the job and the goats healthy.


  1. I couldn’t agree more: as the old saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”, and for diseases where there is no cure, prevention is really the only option.. Glad that Lily and the boys are still in fine fettle..

  2. I took Lulu to the vet in March for her shots and here they are going to “at risk” vaccines.

    He asked if she had access to a backyard, wild animals etc. Duh!!!!!!! What dog doesn’t? This isn’t Manhatten. They only vaccinate for what the dog is “at risk or exposed to”.

    I have more rabbits, squirrels, raccoons, possums, groundhogs etc. in my suburban neighborhood than my mom and dad do on there 25 acres homestead in a rural county.

    Every year animal control is called to my street to dispatch at least one raccoon with distemper.

  3. Prevention is always best. Was a bit shocked to hear you have rabid animals around you, we are very lucky in UK.
    Lovely to see everyone enjoying the sunshine. Hope you had a lovely chill out time on your writing retreat….:)

  4. I was beginning to get worried about you, Terry. I assume you’re feeling a bit better now?

  5. My sheep and llamas get the same shots, we do that when we sheer! my dog also gets xtra shots, and we do samples frequently to test for wroms as no matter what he manages to get into well sheep doo!

  6. Terry may I ask which camera you use? Your photos are always so perfect.