Springtime Beauty

There’s a reason that there’s an expression spring has sprung. One day there’s a hint of color on the trees, and, as if you’re living in a time-lapse video, all of sudden, the world is lushly green.

One day you notice a glimmer of pink on your favorite decorative cherry,



and you marvel at the buds.



Then, three days later, the bush bursts into glorious blooms.



You know that those flowers are coming, but still, the sheer beauty of it takes you by surprise. Every year your heart leaps at how pretty it is, as if you’ve never seen such a thing before.



Of course, there’s also the expression, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I don’t know what Lily thinks of visual beauty, but I do know that some smells are heavenly, rapturously, deliriously, wonderful to her. While I was marveling at the blooms, Lily had found something that my human senses couldn’t detect. Something thrilling to a dog. Lily rolled with the pleasure of a true connoisseur of beautiful odors.



There’s beauty all around.



  1. You said it perfectly.

    It’s a beautiful tree.

    When I was hit by a tornado three years ago of the 9 trees ( had 10) I Iost my biggest loss was my tulip tree. I loved that tree when it was in bloom. Long story short, hired a guy to come in to take down the partially standing trees and grind all the stumps. I made a comment that I “hated” losing the tulip tree out of all the trees I lost. He said, well let’s not grind the stump, I’ll bet you it will start sprouting “suckers” all around the stump. I took his advice and sure enough I now have a tulip bush and get to enjoy the beautiful blooms once again.

    • Ken, with all of the sad, sad stories about tornados lately, that is so nice to hear that your favorite tree is springing back to life!

      • I wouldn’t wish one on my worse enemy. One of the most terrifying experiences of my life. I was hit by a EF3. My house withstood it although the repairs/replacement of/on house, sheds, gazebo and fencing was just north of 50K.
        I am thankful it was not worse and I emerged from the basement unharmed.
        I was afraid my two dogs would have been traumatized but they still don’t blink at thunderstorms.

  2. I was just thinking yesterday about how differently animals perceive the world. We walk down the street and see someone in a nice outfit and our dogs smell that they had eggs and bacon for breakfast, have a cat, brushed against a privet hedge, shook hands with several people, petted a couple of dogs, etc. It is quite fascinating.

  3. Those goat boys know it’s springtime. I have never seen them as rambunctious as tonight.

  4. This Spring is our sweet reward for enduring such a rough Winter!

  5. For me it is my decorative crab apple bush (that sometimes gives me a crab apple or two :) ), forsythia, wild violets and grape hyacinths. They all seem to burst forth at the same time. Oops, WAIT! I forgot all the dandelions are in bloom, too! :D

    • I like seeing the first few dandelions. So cheerful, and I did them up and feed them to the animals. But, two weeks later I’m not so happy about all of that yellow in my lawn!

      • Dandelions, the biggest thorn in my side. I don’t use herbicides or pesticides in my yard because of my animals and more importantly no because of my grandson.
        My only defense is to try mow them before they turn into the puff balls of seeds.

        • We don’t use pesticides on our lawn either because of grandkids and bees and other living things! My husband digs up as many as he can and the next day they seem to have doubled. Maybe we should just make wine with them!

      • I admit to loving dandelions in the lawn. Clover too. Bright and cheerful and they smell good. Mowing cleans them up if they get messy….

    • I feed stuff from my “lawn” :D to 16 hermit crabs, a Bearded Dragon, and a hamster. The crabs love the flowers so much they will fight over them so I have to make sure to hand each crab his own dandelion flower!

  6. Dandelions are my spring tonic! I dig them as soon as I see they are sprouted, simmer them in plenty of water. They are slightly bitter as babies, a bit more so when eight inches or so across with buds just showing…serve with butter and lots of cider vinegar. Or use the baby leaves in a mixed salad. I eat them nearly every day until they are fully blooming, then again after frost hits and mellows them again. Cutting them only makes more as they sprout around the edges of the cut with multiple replacements. The roots go deep so just popping them off at ground level won’t work! I hope everyone who has a pesticide free area will try these wonderful plants as foraged food. Better than the sprayed greens at the market any day…but do keep dogs away from your patch!

    • My grandmother did the same. I know I’ve eaten them I just don’t remember it.
      She also ate wild kale.