Sitting In The Coop

The design of your coop affects so many things:   the health of your flock, how the birds will get along with each other, and even how many eggs they lay. I’ve written about coop design criteria here.

Coop design also affects how you get along with your flock. If the structure is no bigger than a dog house, and you have to bend over to peer into a small window, then you won’t be part of your birds’ nighttime routine. When the weather is bad, you’ll run quickly out and back and won’t interact with your girls. But, if the coop is large enough to walk in, if the air smells good, if there are windows so that the hens are active, if you can easily stand up to clean the bedding, then you’ll spend time with the chickens,  and get to know them, and enjoy them more.

I like to know the chooks in a way that only comes from being a quiet presence. I have a little yellow stool that I carry into the coop to set on awhile.  But one of my readers designed and constructed a coop that takes that idea one step further – the built-in chicken watching chair!



How clever is this? It folds up so when not in use the chickens don’t dirty it.

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This chicken watching seat is inside of this wonderful coop, built by HenCam reader Elizabeth’s husband and father.

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The only thing missing is storage for tools, and Elizabeth says that her brilliant construction crew will be building that addition on come springtime.

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  1. The coop and run are beautiful. I especially love, well all of it. How festive and neat. I’m thinking those are wrap around roost in the run. I like them. I like the rock to step in. Yep, just love all of it. Perfect. I would like to know how many chooks she has and what kind. I see that big fluffy white one, I’m thinking Delaware, but I don’t see any signs of black. So maybe not. Like seeing others set up. Thanks

  2. I see lots of chickens. This looks like a “Ritz” of a coup. It is beautiful and inviting.

  3. PS- Lol. See the compost in the run, I have that. Terry, wonder how many chickens you have given the pleasure of having one of them. One of my favorite tips of yours out of many.

  4. Brilliant! And I also love the outside light above the door…..We don`t have electricity to ours so I have to use a flash-light to check on girls at bed-time. Looks like they have really researched everything and done a wonderful job building the best coop possible for all concerned!

  5. Wow! Thanks for all the wonderful feedback! I am extremely fortunate to have a father and husband who worked very hard to create a wonderful home for our hens. A day does not go by that I don’t look out my window and count my blessings! I have 10 lovely ladies, all 6 months old. They grew up this spring together and get along well. (2 barred rocks…4 New Hampshire Reds…2 White Rocks…1 Silverlaced Wyandotte…and 1 Speckled Sussex.) They are nothing but a joy. Thanks again everybody and thanks again Terry for your continued words of wisdom.

    • Thanks for letting us or me know about your chickens. I love a big fluffy, white chicken.

        • I have mostly standard breeds. 2 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Australorpe, 1 Barr Rock, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Delaware hence my big, white, fluffy chicken. I want an Andulusian and Americana, but my coop won’t hold anymore.

    • I love White Plymouth Rocks, are they as bossy and domineering as their Barred sisters though ?
      I know Terry’s have been, but maybe thought the different colored Plymouth Rocks like the white or buff might have the Plymouth Rock friendlessiness minus being so domineering and bossy with other hens.

  6. I agree, this is just gorgeous. I see you have ten hens. I LOVE your design. Thank you for sharing Elizabeth!

  7. I haven’t noticed anyone in this flock to be particularly bossy. There is an obvious pecking order
    but nothing I would describe as remarkably domineering. I’m not sure if
    that’s a result of them growing up as a group together or simple good luck.

    I do think they are trying to adjust to the snow cover and cold days causing everybody
    to be a little grumpy with each other. I’m curbing it with the old “cabbage on a rope”
    trick and other boredom busters.

    • Then is just might be Terry’s old Edwina who is a domineering bully. Do you know who is the alpha hen is though ? I won’t be suprised if it was one of the white or barred plymouth rocks.

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