Don’t Feel Sorry For Siouxsie

Do not feel sorry for Siouxsie. The Gems have lived up to their name and have been priceless. They have not pulled even one feather off of Siouxsie’s top knot. They haven’t drawn a drop of blood. Sure, they don’t want her to join in the group,


but, they let her eat and drink. They let her dust bathe unbothered.

dust bath

Siouxsie has taken to shadowing Onyx. The Barnevelder is being remarkably tolerant. Despite how obvious it is that Onyx would rather not have this tag-along, she hasn’t done anything aggressive towards Siouxsie.


The Gems are a particularly peaceful flock. Despite the wide range of breeds and temperaments, they all get along. In fact, there’s not one obvious flock queen, and no one is on the bottom and at the fringes of the flock society. I attribute much of their good behavior to how they were raised – in spacious surroundings, with interesting things to peck and do from the beginning. They’ve been handled gently and consistently, but not excessively. It’s how I’m raising the new chicks, and that seems to be having the same effect. So, when I added Siouxsie to the mix, I figured that the flock personality would win out, even over having such an annoying bird plopped in their midst. It has. Of course, the Gems had already become familiar with Siouxsie when both flocks free-ranged at the same time. Still, it’s a testament to the Gem’s good natures that Siouxsie is being left alone.

Siouxsie was banished from the Old Girls flock for a reason, as she was pummeling and blooding Buffy. Buffy is doing so much better without Siouxsie around. Now that Siouxise isn’t drawing blood, Edwina has stopped pecking at Buffy’s comb. Buffy is getting stronger daily. She’s standing more and no longer bracing herself up on her hocks.


She and Twinkydink are tight friends, and often sunbathe together.

Buffy and Twinkydink

The other day both flocks were let out to free-range. They were all happy to be on green grass and hunt for bugs. That is, all except for Siouxsie. She made a bee-line across the yard, straight for Buffy, who was standing peacefully near the Little Barn, and attacked her. I scooped up Siouxsie and tossed her back into the Big Barn. No, don’t feel sorry for Siouxsie.


  1. Thanks for the update on Siouxsie, I had been feeling sorry for her but not any more! Poor Buffy, she’s my favorite of the old hens.

  2. What a great thing you are doing with your ‘Hencam’ and such! My family here in NC are in the early stages of preparing for our first round of chicks. Hubby is building the coop in the back yard, and the boys already know which chicks they will want. It’s so nice to see how it’s done and get ideas from your blog. Thank you so much for taking the time to share with us!

  3. Love reading your blog!…such a delight…always makes me smile!

  4. My goodness! Wouldn’t you like to know why Siouxsie has it in for poor Buffy. Maybe it’s as simple as she can get away with it if it wasn’t for your vigilance and experience.

  5. It’s just awful – they never seem to forget which hen it is that they can dominate and be mean towards. Our Rosie makes a bee line for our white hen whenever they are let out together, it’s awful. I wonder how long Siouxsie’s memory will be, now that she doesn’t see Buffy every day?

  6. I wonder what her reason is for having it out for Buffy? Siouxsie is lucky that the Gems have been so kind to her. I love watching Buffy and Twinkydink together.
    By the way, we have a Buff Rock in our new flock of chicks and her name will be Buffy. <3 In honor of your old sweet girl. I just love her.

  7. So wonderful you found a solution to your hens problem of Siouxsie. How very compassionate. From your blog, I can see where I would have made many mistakes with our new flock coming in 5 days. Biggest mistake would have been handling and cuddling the new chicks. Our family enjoys your posts. One of my favorites is you calling your hens. So funny, but very unsettling after realizing Pearl and me run just alike…..Looks like such a beautiful day at Little Pond.:o)

  8. Thanks for the pictures and the story. I so look forward to reading your blog and seeing the pics daily!!

    I have no chickens or goats or I live through you. I’ve learned so much as well!

  9. The way Siouxsie follows Onyx reminds me of how Lulu used to follow Buffy.

  10. I sort of understand Siouxsie because she is a lot like me..dippsie, and I only need one friend who will put up with me. There seems to be one of us in every crowd. I also lean towards Buffy since she is crippled up like I am. She seems so much stronger with Siouxsie removed. They are my two favorite hens. When I was strong we had a small farmette and I enjoyed getting up everyday to do the work and enjoy my animals. Now I get to enjoy your animals! They make a big difference in my life and I know they will make a big difference in the lives of those at the nursing home.

    • It’s nice to know that my least productive hens (egg-wise) are so productive in making you happy. Glad to share them virtually with you.

  11. Buffy is looking so much better thanks to your good care! I also enjoy seeing her and Twinkydink hanging out together. And now they have a bunch of rowdy youngins running around…it’ll keep ’em young at heart. <3

  12. I have to say, I attended your wonderful class on Sat & saw first hand Siouxie picking on Buffy as she (Buffy) was peacefully scratching. So, are some hens just more aggressive than others naturally? I also witnessed how good a life all your animals have! I hope when my girls come I can be as good a caretaker as you!

    • Cindi, it was wonderful having you here. About Siouxsie – to be perfectly blunt, she is an absolutely idiotic hen. Some hens are more naturally bossy. Usually, issues arising from that can be managed with good care and space. Very few lack the social skills of Siouxise.