Scooter Makes His Bed

I couldn’t find my robe. I’d left it on the back of the couch.

Scooter needed it.


  1. LOL. I thought only cats did that. Love the looks he gives to the camera too. “Really, Mom.”

  2. Great video, Scooter is so funny. Will have to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lily the wonder dog on Scooter’s blog ( sorry ). Lily has the same birthday as my daughter, she was born at 12.04am the nurses said she was a April Fool. I told them she would never be an April Fool and I doubt Lily has ever been one either. Will she be having treats and a long walk ? :)

  3. Scooter reminds me of my Yuki (husky rescue). She goes around and around and digs and digs until she gets her bed just right. I always think it looks the same but if it makes her happy then we are all happy. Being a Golden Retriever person she was a real addition to our dog family – I now have 2 Goldens and Yuki. My husband and I believe she is a cat in a dog’s body.

    Hope Scooter enjoyed the cozy nap.

    • My late, great heart-dog, Nimbus, was a rescue Husky mix. Love, love, love the Nordic dogs’ sense of humor. She also had BC in her, so was smart, too.

  4. No wonder he loves it, smells like his Mom! Happy birthday to Lily! I love your dogs!!!

  5. Scooter was really workin that robe, he knows what a nice cozy nest that would make. Quite the look he gave you, like can I not get some alone time !!!

  6. Oh Scooter, just too too cute. How lovely is this. Thank you for catching it and sharing it with us. Can Scooter get any more cute!

  7. Scooter is such a sweetie and that robe smells sooooo good.

  8. That was a lot of hard work getting it juuuuust right, no wonder he needed a nap after!