We had three days of a “January Thaw.” The snow near the goat barn melted enough that I was able to rake up the manure and wasted hay.
The yellow buildings behind me are my neighbor’s garage and pool shed. I’m sure they appreciate the clean-up!
January thaws never last, but this one was shorter than usual. I blame the seed catalogs. When I get one of these in the mail, the weather always takes a turn for the worst.
How do they know that I’ll be holed up inside, dreaming of spring, and will place much too large of an order?
Yesterday it started to snow one of those heavy, wet, impossible-to-shovel snows. This is what the hawk netting over the HenCam coop run looks like.
Candy, of course, is delighted. This is exactly the sort of snow she likes. It’s dense enough to hop around on.
The goats are not so pleased and prefer to stay inside. But, I think a bit of fresh air and movement away from their hay manger would be good for them. I know how to get them out. I’ve been teaching them tricks. They jump up on these overturned planters when I say “up, up!” For a bit of sweet feed, they’re even willing to do it in the snow.
What you can’t see are their little tails, wagging at high speed. They enjoy doing tricks. They are so pleased with how clever they are, and they love their goat chow rewards.