Today’s Valentine:
The Vintage Hen
Love chickens? Love vintage? Combine the two and that’s what you’ll find here. You might also find quirky, crafty, retro and recipes. And maybe something fun with a rabbit on it. Or a goat. It’s that sort of blog.
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Very cute!
funny and cute! But a bit strange without claws.
Even back then, illustrators hadn’t necessarily ever seen a real chicken.
Sweet vinatge Valentine!
Being born in 1951, I remember all the cute valentines of that day. A few years ago I went with my grandsons to buy cards and it seemed as though some of the charm of the good old days just wasn’t there. Guess I’m just getting old and like a lot of the things of times gone by.
The charm of the valentines at the chain stores isn’t there, and it has nothing to do with age. But, there are indie artists making wonderful valentines. Look on Etsy!
Thank you I will look there. I love unique cards for any occasion.
A really good chicken chuckle. Love it. And bravo to Steve and you for all that shoveling. The goaties should be grateful (but I bet they aren’t…)
Love vintage Valentine cards. So cute!! :-)