I know people who keep track of their hens’ eggs on Excel spreadsheets. That’s too complicated for me. Others keep a chalkboard in the coop. I find that too easy to erase by mistake (spoken from experience.) Some people don’t keep a record at all, and I confess that there are years when I’ve not bothered to. But, I find that tallying the egg count over the course of the month, and then adding it up over the year, gives me a great sense of accomplishment (even when it’s the hens doing the work!) Besides, record keeping helps me to be a better animal caregiver. One can learn a lot from past behavior, and spot issues early on. In any event, I’ve finally found the easiest way to keep track of my hens’ eggs. I use a chart put out by a feed company around 1915. Click on the image below to get a PDF for you to print out. Feel free to share with other hen keepers.
The Vintage Hen
Love chickens? Love vintage? Combine the two and that’s what you’ll find here. You might also find quirky, crafty, retro and recipes. And maybe something fun with a rabbit on it. Or a goat. It’s that sort of blog.
HenCam Search
I’ve written about most of the issues that arise in backyard flocks. I’ve written FAQs to answer the most commonly asked questions. If the answer you seek isn’t in a FAQ, there’s a wealth of useful information on my website archives, which is easily searchable – simply type the topic into the box.
Even with all this shiny, fandangled technology we have there’s nothing like just putting pen to paper once in a while.
Thanks for the egg chart. I printed it out yesterday and started using it immediately. My six girls started laying in June 2012. I have been keeping count since then on small scraps of paper. This will be so much easier. Since I found the first eggs, there have been over 700 more. Two gold comets, two Rhode Island reds and two light brahmas. Thanks again, have a Healthy and Happy Year.
I printed some last year and I’m still using it with great pleasure. Thank you for that! Especially fun as my last name is Taylor. No relation though!
Thanks, what a great idea!
I have started a daily log again this year. Its sort of like a mini journal. How many eggs laid and by whom and the weather, some pictures and little pieces of info that will help me next year, like shearing day.
Candy is missed.
Thanks! No, I’m not raising hens yet, but I’m looking forward to doing so in a couple of years if all goes well. Free-range chickens are so practical: chickens convert protein that we don’t find appetizing- insects and so forth- into versatile eggs! (Maybe I’ve been reading too much Marvin Harris…)
What a neat idea! I was using a calendar last year, but flipping through it to add up eggs and compare was a hassle.