Goat Treats

Pip and Caper are wethers, which means that they are neutered male goats. Unlike the does (female goats) that work very, very hard, first when pregnant (usually carrying twins or triplets) and then when producing milk, wethers don’t do much. Nothing at all, really.

Does, because they work so hard, need to be fed high-quality grains mixed just for their needs, and good hay, and delicious grasses, and treats like apples and carrots.

But wethers? Feed them too much and they get fat. Feed them the wrong things and they develop urinary calculi. They easily succumb to bloat (a build-up of gas in their rumens.) They can die from overeating.

The problem is that here at Little Pond Farm, Pip and Caper have one job, that of spreading joy and delight. They do that with their good nature, the mischievous glints in their eyes, and their antics. They are especially endearing when eating. It is ever so hard to limit their treats to only a few bites, and to make sure that those mouthfuls are good for them.

One thing that they can eat, in moderation, are peanuts. Shell and all. This is a big bag. They’re not going to eat all of them. The person they call That Man likes peanuts, too. They’re going to share.



Goats can be a tad, ahem… enthusiastic… about food, and so I’ve taught the boys manners. First of all, no shoving, no butting and no pushing the Goat Maid. To get treats they have to stand on their stumps (which the Goat Maid shovels off for them in the winter. They would shovel them if they could, they love their stumps, but there are limits to the boys’ ingenuity.)



They also know to take each treat gently, and that they have to chew and swallow before getting another.



However, funny faces, tail wagging, and burping are perfectly acceptable.


If you would like to contribute to the goat boys’ peanut addiction (and so that they don’t have to share with That Man) you can purchase a bag for them here. Each contribution will be welcomed with tail-wagging enthusiasm, and Pip and Caper will dictate (to the Goat Maid) a personal email thank-you note to each sender of their beloved peanuts. ♥

If you’d like to see goat munching and crunching in action, there’s a video of Pip and Caper smacking on green beans here.

♥ Your contributions keep the HenCam up and running and enable me to write my daily blog. I appreciate your support as much as the goats appreciate peanuts!


  1. Those cute beards and little stubby legs…adorable! I want to scratch them! Terry, I urge you to buy organic peanuts. It is just one of those foods. Even for the goats. Peanuts are full of pesticides and even if you are not bothered by the goats eating non organic, by purchasing organic you are protecting the land, farmers & workers plus your family (if they are snacking too).

  2. They are just too cute! They do have whimsical faces and glints in their eyes!

  3. My chickens go CRAZY over peanuts too! I guess they’re a popular treat in the farmyard.

  4. Those boys are just too amazing!! Do you knit? I saw a picture of a fancy French sweater made with “goat’s beard yarn”–could be really interesting!
    Happy peanut munching, boys.

  5. When I was in 4-H, years and years ago, I raised dairy goats (Alpine, La Mancha, etc). I used peanuts to teach them to shake hands like you would a dog. ONLY when asked though. They got no treats if they tried pawing at me without being asked for a hand shake. They figured that out pretty quick. It got to be a routine after each doe was milked. I’d let their head free, and they’d turn around and I’d hold out my hand, they’d put out a hoof, we’d shake and she’d go back to the pen chewing on a peanut and wagging her tail like crazy. ;) I do miss my goats. So much fun.

  6. On a programme about Alaska being broadcast in the UK this evening, a homesteader just remarked, about his little herd of goats: “money can’t buy you happiness, but it can buy you goats and that is pretty much the same thing”. I thought of you.