Oh, So Trendy!

This catalog of pricey clothes and bed linens came in the mail last week. Look at the image they are using to sell their goods – farmstead eggs! (I don’t know of any large farms raising Americaunas – so I’m confident that these pretty blue eggs came from a small flock.)

I was disappointed that the clothes models weren’t posed in farmyards with chickens. In fact there was nary a hen in sight. Still, I felt just a tad more trendy out in the barn collecting eggs. Perrie lays a blue egg as pretty as the one in this catalog. Edwina’s eggs are speckled. The party girls lay dainty white eggs. The nesting boxes in my barn are filled with eggs as pretty as a picture – even more photogenic than the ones on this catalog cover- and better yet, not only do I have the eggs, but I have my feathered friends, as well.

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