Little Pond Farm Animal Update

Lots going on here, so I thought I’d update you on the animals.

Eggers is looking better – she’s showing the two P’s that healthy chickens should have – perkiness and pooping. She’s eating just fine. In fact, she seems to be delighted to have a food dish and water all to herself. Some birds pine away for their friends when they are in isolation. Eggers doesn’t mind at all. However, she ‘s yet to lay an egg, and the other bantam White Leghorns her age are, so that has me concerned. Also, Eggers has to be on the antibiotics a few more days so she’ll stay inside awhile longer.

Meanwhile, Caper has been limping. There’s no swelling, no wound, no stone bruise, and his hooves are nicely trimmed. It’s worse in the morning when he first gets up, so it sure looks like a muscle pull. Caper is not the most agile goat. I wouldn’t be surprised if he twisted an ankle or yanked his leg on the hay manger. I’m not too concerned, but the lameness has persisted for two weeks. Dr. Sarah came to check him out yesterday. She agreed that she looked like a perfectly healthy, albeit limping, goat. She gave him a shot of banamine, which should relieve the pain of a muscle pull. So far, though, Caper doesn’t look any better. It’s a mystery.

The fish have come out of hibernation. The pond water is now 50 degrees, which means they need to be fed. Here is The Beast, my six-year old Koi. Looks like she had a fine winter under the big rock, doesn’t it?

I saw the first toad of the season, and also the first mosquitos. Spring is definitely here.


  1. Ahh … delighted … now met the Beast. I’m glad that Eggers is now better. Caper will be well …

  2. I’m glad to hear that Eggers is doing better. I saw my first toad late yesterday when I took my little dog out for a potty break—haven’t seen any mosquitos yet but as Spring and Summer heat up that will change. The thing I love most about Spring is when the Azaleas are in full bloom. They are so pretty when they are in full bloom. The other thing I love about Spring is all the birds. I’ve had a ton of them at my feeders—all different types too.

    • Terry it is frustrating when you have animals that are ill or seem to be injured and no explanation or no how to help them.
      The robins are in full nesting, courting and fighting mode. I had two male robins in my yard yesterday evening that were having a full rumble royale over turf, a lady or both. It went on for several minutes when one of mother nature’s other creatures decided to declare of winnter. A COOPER’S HAWK!!! It swooped out of no where and nabbed one. Obviously the males were so engrossed in their battle they were not watching for predators. The price of “love”.

  3. One of my sweetest, friendliest Mille Fleur bantam Cochin pullets has a sore leg and I can’t see anything wrong with it either. She’s always been the baby that comes right up to me for petting ~ I hate to see her in pain but she seems to want to be left in with the flock. I tried isolating her in a corner so she was still in the same pen and could see everyone but she just wanted to get in by the others. I decided that it was less stressful to leave her in with the flock than to upset her any more.

    It’s scary when you don’t know what’s wrong!

    • I’ve had ouchy hens that have worked out of it. I’m surprised that Buffy doesn’t pull a muscle everytime she clumsily hauls herself off the roost in the morning!

      • LOL on Buffy. I have a golden laced wyondotte that just has to fly down from the top rung instead of hoping down to the next rung and so on to the ground. Talk about a crash and burn. I like you Terry am surprised each morning she doesn’t break a leg or her beak as her head usually hits the floor of the coop.