Catching Up

In just a week away:

The chicks turned into baby pterodactyls. Look at those feathers and scrawny necks!

As the adult feathers emerge, vast quantities of dander is created. A sticky dust layers the barn. I’m grateful the chicks aren’t in a brooder in the house.

The smallest blue cochin remains weak and half the size of the others, but she is still hanging in there. If she survives, she’s going to be a gorgeous slate gray.

The others are robust and voracious eaters. I love that they are catching mosquitos that fly by! We sure have enough of those nasty bugs – rainy and dark days are prime breeding times. Speaking of bugs, I picked up a tool, which angered a wasp hiding on it. Got stung on my right palm, which has made it difficult to do anything for the last day. Amazing how it can be itchy and painful at the same time. Luckily, I’m not allergic, so no trip to the hospital – just poultice after poultice of baking soda.

Also in the last week:

Flowers bloomed.

The washing machine broke, then Steve fixed it, and now I’m on my sixth load of laundry, with at least three more before I’m caught up (I’ll spare you the photo.)

Hens got sick. Some got better, some didn’t. Chores are longer, what with putting antibiotics in the water, and keeping Candy out of that same water. (I’ll have an update later in the week about the mycoplasma saga.)

Blackie took a turn for the worse. Decisions to come there.

The vegetable garden grew. Seedlings needed thinning. Oh, how I hate that job of pulling up healthy plants. Of course, if I don’t thin, I won’t have any carrots at all. Luckily, the boys adore carrot tops. Their happy munchings and burps turned the hated task into something fun.

I’m sowing flower seeds and planting tomatoes, preparing the pumpkin patch and pulling dandelions. I was away only a week, but I feel a month behind. I suppose I can’t blame the trip entirely – springtime is like that, isn’t it?


    • That is exactly my situation – the lighter cochin is big and the dark blue is small. I wonder if that’s the norm?

  1. “The chicks turned into baby pterodactyls” – the BEST description I’ve ever heard!!! It’s simply amazing how quickly they grow; isn’t it? I can’t believe, and am so thankful that, they will be living outdoors so soon. You’re very lucky to have a barn to keep them in; I have only six but they are indoors and a constant messy annoyance…until they peep or trill and then I’m all smiles :) I loathe thinning out the garden as well. There’s something so “you are the weakest link, goodbye” about it. Ah well, such is life.

  2. I see two puff balls in the yard, I know they aren’t your favorites and they don’t lay eggs consitently. But I am hoping their antics will measure up to Lulu’s one day. And I hope Mazie is doing well as well. I am sorry to hear about Blackie, but at least it is not an unexpected loss like Lulu’s was. I have a feeling her spirit will be influencing the little baby Sussex’s and you will have more than you can handle in that department soon. With four of them, the hens will probably be feeling like they are in a pinball machine being bounced around.

  3. I’ve been worrying about that little blue cochin the whole time you were gone. She sleeps and/or sits around a lot. I’ve wondered if she’s picked on and if she gets enough to eat. Glad to hear she’s still ‘hanging in there.’ Then to read that Jodi has the same situation… Hunh. That’s odd. Maybe it IS the norm.

  4. It was nice to see Blackie out in the late afternoon sun,hope it was of some comfort to her. I have a 17 yr old cat who is senile and am now letting her outside for sun and fresh air,think she has used up most of her lives >^..^<

  5. You’ve certainly had the week that was! So sorry about Lulu and I’m sorry to hear that Blackie has taken a turn.

    Two questions, if I may:

    When do the chicks figure out that those twigs are pearches,not limbo poles and when do they venture outside their box?

    Good luck with Blackie and keeping the other girls well.

    • The chicks are already sitting on the twigs as if they’re perches. It was funny to see them figure it out – that they could sit down on them instead of just stand.

  6. Wow, really tough about the mycoplasma. I’m so sorry… I’m losing my 8 year old Austrolorp. She is breathing very heavily, and I have to decide if it’s time to end her misery. I hope Blackie pulls through.
    My new chicks are in the “Michael Bolton” stage. That is they have tight feathers on their heads and downy feathers on their necks. They are in the coop for the first time tonight. I know I’ll be out there several times checking on them, and checking my old gal who is in the adults only coop. I just love these little creatures.