Vintage Hen Valentine



How appropriate that Valentine’s Day is in February, the very month when our hens snap out of their winter stupor and begin laying again. This egg-cellent Valentine egg-spresses eggs-actly how we feel!

Humpty Dumpty Valentine

I do like Humpty Dumpty. Despite the tragic ending, there’s something so optimistic and sweet about that egg sitting on a wall. And to think that he’s important enough that the King’s men (all of them!) try to fix him!

Here’s a vintage Humpty Dumpty Valentine to make you smile.




that folds out to reveal a little boy (and some fun wordplay.)


Hen & Girl Vintage Valentine



I love this Valentine for the details. Look at the ribbon threaded through the basket and the hearts! The hen’s wattles look like a big red bow, and the feathers have perfect Rhode Island Red coloring. In too many Valentines the anatomy is so off that it’s obvious that the artists had never seen a real chicken. I’ve seen chickens with duck feet, and hens with rooster plumage. This one, though, gets it right. You know that those eyelashes are there for a whimsical touch and not because the artist didn’t know any better.

Remove the paper doll girl to read the message. So sweet.


Mechanical Goat Valentine



This is a “mechanical” valentine, called so because it has a moving part. A tab is used to move the goat’s head back and forth. But (or should I say butt) what I really like about this card is the expression of the goat’s face. Doesn’t that sweet smile look just like Pip’s?