Morning Greetings

When I wake up this morning it is 12ºF. I get dressed and head into the cold. I have things to do outside. This face greets me.

It warms me right up. But not my fingers. I go inside and put my hands around a hot cup of coffee. It’s a fine way to start the day.


  1. I could wake up to that face to! It’s only been down in the low 20’s in South Jersey… so far! I find it funny how my girls sleep in on the cold mornings. They are in no hurry to leave their warm spots :)

      • I was awakened in the night by wind hitting the house and knocking something over. Since I was up anyway checking my hens (all well out there), I looked in on the hen cam and saw the thermometer and had a laugh when you let Candy out. She loves the cold doesn’t she? She was sure dashing about! Our low was around 53 last night.

  2. It got down to 33 the other day and the hens fluffed up nicely. Yipes, 12 is cold!
    What a happy looking face. Your animals must love to see you and for good reason…they are well-cared for all the year long.
    David/ :-) Houston, Texas

    • I always have to laugh when I hear from people further south who think their chickens are getting frostbite when it is 29 degrees. It’s fun to see fluffy chickens, isn’t it?

  3. Thanks to your blog that face also greets the rest of us. Thank you for sharing Terry.

  4. Love watching your animals. I only have dogs, but it is so fun to see yours. they look well loved!

  5. I love his pink lower lip :o). 12 is cold! Very wet here but forecast for sun tomorrow.

  6. Such a beautiful face! Going out to see the critters first thing in the morning is the best part of the whole morning. Love this post.

  7. Those goat brothers are so cute!! Thanks for sharing the wonderful picture.

  8. what a cute face!! i wish it was that cold here we have been out in shorts and t-shirts this past week! it is supossed to get cold in a couple days
    four days till christmas eve

  9. Oh I am loving this site! Can’t believe that I have only recently heard of it! It is wonderful!