HenCam Technical FAQ

[Check this page for more up-to-date information! -Terry]

I often get queries asking for advice on how to set up a system like The HenCam, after all, doesn’t everyone want to be able to keep an eye on their chickens when away, and share the fun of their animals with others? However our system is not easy to replicate – it’s technically challenging (I know because my IT Guy/husband is frequently working on it), nor is it inexpensive to run. But we love having the HenCam, and really like sharing it with all of you out there.

I honestly have no clue how it all works, and I get all woozy when Steve tries to explain it to me, so the details have yet to sink in. Therefore, today’s blog entry is written by my IT Guy – who deserves a big round of internet hand-clapping from everyone. (You’ll see why if you can wade all the way through this post.)

Here are some tips from my I.T. Guy and husband Steve:

There are various solutions depending on your budget and just exactly what you are trying to accomplish.

Web camera

The easiest (and cheapest) solution is to buy a web camera and attach it directly to your computer using a USB cable. These cameras are generally used for video conferencing and video instant messaging, but instead of pointing the camera at you, just point it out the window. Unfortunately the camera has to remain indoors and close to the computer (maximum length of a USB cable is 5 meters). Also typically you can only watch the video from that computer. For more information see this tutorial at HowStuffWorks.

Network camera

If the camera has to be far away from your computer then you need a network camera. These self-contained cameras are not attached to a computer, they just need power and a network connection (usually Ethernet, although some can also connect wirelessly with WiFi). These cameras have built-in webserver software, and a web browser on your computer is used to control the camera and view the video. If you intend to mount it outdoors then make sure your camera is weatherproof and can handle extreme temperatures.

If you want to view your camera from outside your home then you need an always-on Internet connection (e.g., cable modem or DSL). Your Internet service provider (ISP) must assign the camera a static IP address, or you can use dynamic DNS (DDNS) which most cameras support. One limitation is that network cameras allow only a small number of simultaneous users. The upstream bandwidth of your home Internet connection will also limit the number of viewers.

Supporting many users

If you want to allow many users to view your camera then consider a video hosting service that offers video streaming. Now your home Internet connection only has to upload a single stream from your camera up to the hosting service. The service takes care of the rest.

How The HenCam Works

We have two Toshiba IK-WB15A network cameras:

hencam Toshiba IK-WB15A network camera

The camera itself is inside the clear plastic hemisphere. It can pan left-right-up-down to look in all directions. We keep it pointing towards the right (the camera’s left) along the wall of the HenCam barn:

outside hencam Toshiba IK-WB15A network camera

The inside camera is in the corner above the waterer. You can see the metal heater that keeps the water from freezing:

inside hencam Toshiba IK-WB15A network camera

These cameras are weatherproof and can operate well below freezing temperatures. Image quality is excellent.

Originally the power and Ethernet cables ran unprotected to the cameras. However one day Candy the bunny started chewing on them, so now all the wiring is safely inside electrical conduit.

Ethernet cables run underground from the house basement out to the HenCam barn. Our server (an Apple Xserve) runs a custom PHP script that copies the image from the cameras. This script also automatically generates the nighttime “The chickens are in bed” message. (We added this message because early HenCam viewers were mystified when all they saw was a black screen at night.) Our web server is Apache running under Mac OS X Server. Finally a Java applet streams video out to viewers. (Someday we hope to switch to Adobe Flash for an even better viewing experience.) Our Internet connection is a bonded dual T1 link with 3Mbits/sec upload bandwidth.

It’s been great fun putting all this together. Thanks for watching The HenCam!

Clean Jeans

There was an article in today’s Boston Globe about how to extend the life of your jeans. The gist of it was that you shouldn’t wash them too often – every other week is fine. And put them in the washer inside out and use delicate detergent.

Do these people only stroll in clean places? I’m sure they don’t have chickens. Or mud. Or dogs. I’d rather have worn out jeans than a life that doesn’t require laundering.

However, I suppose that infrequent washings would work for teenage boy jeans – my fifteen-year old son seems to outgrow his clothes every few months. I could simply buy new jeans, never wash them, and toss them when they get too short. Easy!

Librarians and Chickens

I’ve been getting such a nice warm response from librarians to Tillie Lays an Egg.


Librarians love chickens. I get emails every week from librarians who tell me, in a quick sentence, how much they like the book, and then they go on for quite a bit longer, telling me all about the chickens that they grew up with, or now have, or that a neighbor keeps. 

I’ve been thinking about this affinity of librarians for chickens. There are a number of similarities. Chickens are naturally curious, as are librarians. Chickens have an optimistic nature. Librarians do too. After all, don’t librarians believe in their ability to change the world through books? Chickens believe in magic. At least mine do. The food magically appears, the waterer never goes empty. It’s like the story of the magic pot. Librarians believe in the magic of books. Their well of stories never goes dry.

A stretch? I’m not so sure. Anyway, a big shout out thank you to all of the librarians who are sharing Tillie with the children in their community. My chickens love you as much as you love them.

The Lull Before The Storm

The girls had a break from their winter icy confinement today. The temperature was well above freezing. Green showed through on the lawn. It was wet and mucky and not good for scratching, but fine for a bit of walking around.

Much of the yard looked like this. Here Blackie tippy-toes through the snow and slippery-frozen grass. 


But, the adventurous girls made their way out to the Chinese Beech Tree (remind me to show you a photo this summer – lovely!) They were able to scratch in the looser dirt of the perennial bed. 


It’s not springtime yet. The latest weather forecast says that two storm systems are moving in tonight and by Tuesday morning we should have another foot of snow on the ground. Well, it was nice to have a respite, however brief.

Small Dog Woes

Little 11-pound Scooter has had a hard time this winter. The soft-fallen snow has been too deep to walk through (we’ve shoveled paths for him.) Then, the snow got crusty and scary to walk on. Then it started to melt and his belly got wet and cold. It rained, it snowed, it sleeted. He fell into holes formed by my snowboots and he couldn’t get out. There are times when I’ve had to go out with an umbrella just to get him to do his business. 

But, today it is sunny and above freezing. There’s patches of dirt to sniff. He ran all the way to the back woods to check out the animal tracks. He felt like a real dog again. 

But then Scooter had to come back in and had to face this:


Our back porch stairs are in the shade. The water dripping off of the roof freezes. Lily, the big dog, leaps right over. I can step up. But to Scooter it looks like this:


A treacherous mountain.

I believe in treating even little dogs like dogs. He’s not a fashion accessory. He’s got a brain. It’s important for him to use it. Surmounting challenges are a good thing, whether you are dog or human. It’d be easy to give into Scooter’s big brown, “baby me” eyes. I don’t. I make him scramble up the stairs. 

Scooter was so proud of himself when he made it inside!

And then I gave him a treat. 

Good,brave dog.