I thought that the chickens should pick the winner, so I wrote entrants’ names on bright orange pieces of paper and put them in the Hencam.com hat. The girls were very interested, and Marge, of course, was very loud in her questions of “what is this?” and “is it safe to approach?” and, most importantly, “can I eat it?” The girls stretched their necks out to peer at the paper and Eleanor pecked at the brass buckle. But, surprisingly, these hens who don’t hesitate to peck my earrings, my shoelaces, my pants legs, refused to peck at the orange paper! I put corn in the hat and they ate that (the hat wasn’t scary, after all), but they didn’t touch the paper. You never know with chickens…
So, my husband picked a name out of the hat, and the winner is Lynn W, who lives southeast of Seattle, Washington, and keeps 25 hens and two roosters!