Work Companions

It’s hard to get anything done when the dogs are sending out such strong sleep waves. Too bad they haven’t left any room in the sun for me.



  1. I let the hens out for a free range today and they did exactly this – minus the blanket of course….

    • I’ll see what I can do. It all shrunk down in the rain and warmth, so now it’s an impossible to shovel dense mass, but not half as tall as it was.

  2. My dog is sleeping in the sun coming through glass too, must be catching on! My two chickens are out in the yard exploring their new roost, a friend of mine brought me an old round rung wood ladder! Thanks to Terry I just might have the happiest chickens around when I finish my chicken house! Life is good!

  3. Looks cozy! How is Buffy, I noticed that she did not perch last night and is hunkering down in the corner of the coop.